Increasing Organic Search Traffic with Strategic Content Creation 

Search Engine Optimization | Content Marketing | Editorial Direction

The Challenge

Our client, which had focused on advertising campaigns, social media, and other paid initiatives to drive inbound website traffic, wanted to start aggressively scaling their website sessions without equally increasing their media budget.

Further, by depending on paid campaigns primarily, inbound traffic was inconsistent and any campaign deactivations would noticeably drop daily visits.

The Solution

Using an SEO-focused approach, our team used content as the main driver to grow organic search traffic. We introduced content marketing to their overall strategy, with blog articles. Since using search engine optimization (SEO) in a larger capacity would also help stabilize daily, weekly, and monthly website visits, and allow the brand to be less reliant on advertising to drive consistent site traffic.

Our team started with keyword research to identify terms that were relevant to the business, had low to moderate competition, and had enough search traffic potential to positively impact inbound traffic. We then crafted a blog run-down sheet with article titles that would best answer questions on the search engine results page, since FAQ rich results are usually served at the top of page one on Google.

In-article, inbound, and outbound anchor links were embedded strategically to help signal topic and keyword importance to Google, while also providing an informative user experience while reading. Each article was then shared on the brand’s social media profiles, providing more original content and thought leadership for their audience than before.

The Results

Before implementing a consistent and strategic blog strategy in Q4 of 2021, this brand was publishing 1-2 articles every month or so, some months none at all, and on topics that were not focused on SEO opportunities.

In Q4, blog frequency increased to 3-4 articles published per month on a consistent schedule. In the first month, organic search traffic (clicks) increased by 54% and 26% in the second month. Now almost 6 months later, organic search traffic has grown 7x compared to the previous period.

Additionally, the brand’s presence in the SERP (search engine results page) has strengthened, now averaging 2.8x more monthly impressions than the previous period, and with a 40% increase in click-through rate (CTR).

Most recently, organic search rankings for multiple keywords have cracked page one of the Google SERP, some of which jumped to the top spot in content listing and rich snippet (excerpt, bulleted list, etc.) format.


More Monthly Impressions


Higher Organic Search CTR


More Monthly Website Visits

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