Content Marketing 6 mins read

Content Repurposing Techniques That Increase Reach

To gain traction in the digital world and get your brand in front of prospective customers, in-house teams, entrepreneurs, and marketers for early-stage startups need innovative strategies to maximize their online presence. One such strategy gaining momentum is content repurposing. Content repurposing helps save time and significantly increases reach, making your content go further and generate more output.

Content repurposing involves taking existing content and transforming it into different formats, giving it a fresh lease on life.

Why Repurpose Content?

Content marketing requires a lot of resources. You need to outline goals, understand your target audience, plan the content and messaging, create the content, figure out the best way to distribute the content, and then tally up results to adjust for future content marketing efforts. Whew, that’s a lot! Stick with us because it’s worth it.

Content repurposing is a strategic approach to making the most out of the content you’ve already invested time, effort, and budget in creating. By repackaging existing material, you extend its lifespan and capitalize on different audience preferences. This optimizes resources and keeps your brand at the forefront of digital techniques using diverse content formats and tactics.

Increase Reach with Repurposed Content

Repurposing content is a strategic move that goes beyond recycling; it’s about amplifying your reach and resonating with increased audience segments. 

A chart shows 4 ways content can be repurposed

Here’s how this approach can be a game-changer for your digital presence:

  • Diversify audience engagement: Adapt your content for different platforms, considering the preferences and behaviors of multiple audience segments.
  • Multi-channel visibility: Distributing repurposed content across various platforms allows you to meet your audience where they are most active.
  • Improve SEO performance: Search engines favor fresh, relevant content. By repurposing your existing content into different formats, you create a stream of new, valuable material. 
  • Adaptability for different platforms: Each platform has unique requirements and audience expectations. Repurposing content allows you to adapt your message to fit these specific needs. 

Incorporating these strategies into your content repurposing efforts will not only broaden your content’s reach, but will also enhance your overall visibility and scalability.

Choosing the Content to Repurpose

Not all content is created equal, and not every piece is suitable for repurposing. Careful selection is key. Choose evergreen content with enduring value or pieces that performed exceptionally well in the past, regarding engagement metrics, social shares, or conversions. Repurposing successful content not only extends its lifespan but also capitalizes on its proven resonance with your audience.

Additionally, consider content that can be easily adapted into different formats without losing its essence. Some content naturally lends itself to diverse mediums, such as a blog post or a comprehensive research study. Content that can be distributed in different formats without becoming redundant or boring is ideal for repurposing.

A chart shows the benefits of content repurposing

How to Repurpose Content in Different Formats

Repurposing content involves much more than duplication. You’ll need to transform your existing material into various formats to help create brand recognition and drive your message home.

Here are three ways to repurpose content effectively, ensuring its adaptability across diverse mediums:

Create Engaging Infographics

Infographics are powerful tools for conveying complex information in a visually appealing manner. Transform statistics, key points, or step-by-step guides from your written content into vibrant, shareable infographics. Tools like Canva make it easy to design compelling graphics that capture attention across social media platforms, websites, and email campaigns.

Convert Podcasts into Blogs

While podcasts capture the attention of auditory learners and those on the go, transforming the spoken content into written form ensures accessibility for readers who prefer consuming information at their own pace. Transcribing podcast episodes and structuring the content into a cohesive blog format preserves the core message while providing an additional avenue for engagement. 

Gain Insight with a Poll

Incorporating polls into your content strategy is a dynamic way to engage your audience while gaining valuable insights. Utilize polls to repurpose existing content by inviting your audience to share their opinions or preferences on specific topics related to your recently published article or eBook.

Whether embedded in blog posts, newsletters, or social media, polls create interactive experiences that encourage participation. The data gathered from these polls not only provides valuable feedback to you (i.e., is this topic even important to your ICP) but also provides an additional way to promote your content as a resource to learn more.

Image shows a quote taken from the article about content repurposing

Remember, the key is to maintain the essence of the original content while tailoring it to the unique characteristics of each format. Experiment with different mediums to discover which resonates best with your audience, and adapt your repurposing strategy accordingly. 

Distributing Repurposed Content

Distribution, and redistribution, are as crucial as the content itself. Share repurposed content across relevant channels, ensuring it reaches your audience where they are most active. Leverage social media, email newsletters, and industry-specific platforms to amplify your message. 

Ready to take your content marketing redistribution to the next level? Our expertise can elevate your brand’s online presence. 

Let us help you navigate the intricacies of content repurposing and craft a strategy tailored to your startup’s unique needs.


Frequently Asked Questions

How many times should content be shared?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer. The frequency of sharing content depends on your audience, platform, and the nature of the content. It's essential to find a balance that keeps your audience engaged without overwhelming them. In general, a single piece of engaging content should be repurposed 2-4 times to maximize reach.

What does content repurposing in marketing mean?

Repurposing in content marketing means taking existing content and adapting it for use in different formats or across various channels to reach a wider audience.

What can content be repurposed into?

Content can be repurposed into various formats, such as blog posts, social media updates, infographics, podcasts, videos, ebooks, and more.


Photo of Allie Gibson
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